Mavis Sonya Blast is a 20-year-old tradesperson’s assistant who enjoys watching YouTube videos, watching television and baking. She is entertaining and careful, but can also be very unkind and a bit moody.

She is American who defines herself as straight. She finished school and then left academia.

Physically, Mavis is in good shape. She is very tall with fair skin, red hair and green eyes.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. After her mother died when she was young, she was raised by her father

She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with an electrician called Stanley Arlo O’Quinn, who was 16 years older than her. They broke up because Mavis’s bluntness caused too many rows.

Mavis’s best friend is a tradesperson’s assistant called Jesus Ryan. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Sion Jones and Macey Flores. They enjoy duck herding together.

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